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Beatrice Celli - CV


16/10/21 - 31/12/2021 Le Jardin des Allégories, Centre d’art National, Villa Arson, in the "Passage des Fougères", space dedicated to emergent artists. Curated by Eric Mangion

20 - 23/08/2021 Lu pozz sinza fonne, Cisterna del Museo Etnografico del Territorio di Suasa, San Lorenzo in Campo (PU) Italie. Curated by Matteo Binci. In the frame of the third edition of the Festival Traffic - Festival delle Anime Gentili

17/04/2021 Pandaemonium, Public showcases, Via Silvio Antoniano, Castelli (TE). Curated by Alessia Di Stefano.


09/06/2023 - 8/10/2023 Full Sentimental, MEMENTO, Espace d'art contemporain, with Collection AdC, Jeremy Deller, Charles Fréger, Romuald Jandolo, Pierre La Police, Laurent Le Deunff et Marion Mounic. Curated by Karine Mathieu

08/06/2023 De(s)rives#6, curated by Galerie Aline Vidal,  Gymnase Huyghens, 75014 Paris.

Avec Jean-Michel Alberola, Beatrice Celli, Gaëlle Choisne, Honoré δ'O, Anne Ferrer, Elika Hedayat, Fabrice Hyber, Edward Lipski, Clémentine Mélois, Camille Ménard, Simon Nicaise, Lucien Pelen, Julien Prévieux, Benoît Pype, Thibault Scemama de Gialluly, Melati Suryodarmo, Stéphane Thidet, Nobuko Tsuchiya.

03/2023 Retrofuturo, MACRO Rome, Museo d'Arte contemporanea di Roma, with Federico Antonini, Riccardo Benassi, Ruth Beraha, Carola Bonfili, Costanza Candeloro, Ludovica Carbotta, Giulia Cenci, Alessandro Cicoria, Gianluca Concialdi, Giulia Crispiani, Giorgio Di Noto, Roberto Fassone, Irene Fenara, Giorgia Garzilli, Lorenza Longhi, Eleonora Luccarini, Beatrice Marchi, Diego Marcon, Jim C. Nedd, Francis Offman, Real Madrid, SAGG NAPOLI, Parasite 2.0, Francesco Pedraglio, Margherita Raso, Davide Stucchi, Ilaria Vinci.

Curated by  Luca Lo Pinto

24/02/2023 - 23/04/2023 Telling Stories, Transpalette Centre d’art contemporain de Bourges, Curated by Ninon Duhamel. Avec Samira Ahmadi Ghotbi, Beatrice Celli, Céline Cléron, Bady Dalloul, Léna Hervé, Princia Itoua, Katia Kameli, Kid Kreol & Boogie, Hayoun Kwon, Gabrielle Manglou, Valérie Mréjen, Saba Niknam, Pilvi Takala.

27/04/2022-31/10/2022 Rocambole, Hotel la Vague, S. Paul de Vence. With Camille Chastang, Delphine Dénéreaz, Daniele Genadry, Basile Ghosn et Tatiana Wolska Curated by Claire Migrane with the help of Pavlos Ioannides

22/06/2022-21/08/2022 Melioracija, Chamber of Agricolture, in the frame of « Kaunas – Capitale européenne de la culture 2022 ». After the residency  Thankyouforcoming. Across #31 crossing program « DeMo ».

Curated by Agne Kolontaite from Kaunas Artists’ House

27/04/2022 Dans l’Horizon Buropolis, Marseille. Curated by Barbara Penhouet

9/04/2022 Break-in. Temporal Dispacement. The Address Gallery, Brescia. Curated by Arnold Braho

4/04/2022 100%, L’EXPO, Grand Hall du Parc de La Villette, Paris.

11/12/2021 - 26/02/2022 Peinture au mètre, Galerie, Espace à vendre, Nice. With Simon Bérard, Renaud Bezy, Frédéric Clavère, Noël Dolla, Tom Giampieri,Thierry Lagalla, Pascal Pinaud, Laurent Proux, Karine Rougier, Quentin Spohn, We Are The Painters etc

21/11/2020 - 18/11/2020 Tarantula, Sonnenstube, Off-space, Lugano, Suisse. Avec Jacopo Belloni et Derek Di Fabio. Curated by Giacomo Galletti and Gabriel Stockli

05/03/2020 Garces, Micro festival Féministe, Galerie Agent Troublant, Marseille.

13/10/2019 Germination opérante, MDAC, Cagnes-sur-Mer, Curated by Anne Sechet

12/07/2019 Performance, Festival Unselect, Kleine Humbolt Gallery, Berlin. Curated by Polina Piangin

30/06/2019 Tuer le Soleil Contre Moi, Diplômes, Villa Arson 2019, Curated by  Philippe Cyroulnik. Hors le mur au Dojo.

29/10/2018 Masters Salon Painting Komask, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Anverse.

01/02/2018 Journée de portes ouvertes, Villa Arson. Commisariat de A. Maguet et P. Pinaud.

07/06/2017 Ho Trovato il Senso. Curated by Anna Maiorano, Salle F du Pavillion Central de Giardini. 57eme Biennale de Venise Viva Arte Viva, Venise


01/2023 Il palazzo delle superstizioni. Creation of a podcast inside the project Ersilia, Curated by Alice Labor and Ginevra Ludovici for the Museo MACTE in Termoli, Italie.

11-25/09/2022 Residence IS.LAND, Procida, Italie organised by la Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée (BJCEM), in the frame of Procida, italian capital of culture 2022, with final open studio.

Residence supported by Miramar, a Mediterranean network of academic actors from the South of France. In the same residency residency at Dos mares for support and professionalization 25-30/08/2022 and 6-10/02/2023.

05/07/2021 - 25/07/2021 "Thankyouforcoming" Residency in Kaunas, Lituanie. Residente Across #31 in the crossing program « DeMo » from Kaunas Artists’ House, with the label « Kaunas – European Capital of Culture 2022 ».

8/12/2020 Conference, Stand-up Art, BBB Centre d’art, Toulouse.

21/12/2019 Workshop Everybody on the Ground, Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts.

23 -29/03/2019 Curator, Jusqu’au Feu, Villa Arson. With Hugo Bench, Elise Bercovitz, Claire Bouffay, Amentia Brochard, Beatrice Celli, Lucie De Bodinat, Léa Doussière, Mélina Ghorafi, Maeva Grapain, Damian Junges, Flavie Loreau, Chloé Sassi

1/10/2018 Second Assistante for the film I Can Swim Home. Directed by Ann Guillame, realisée in the frame of her doctorate at Villa Arson. 

Artistic director of the public renovation project CalceViva

1ére edition 01/08/2017,

2éme edition 01/09/2018

3éme edition 01/09/2019,

Castelli et Isola del Gran Sasso (TE) Italie.


03/09/2020 - 18/12/2020 Profession Artiste, Professional Training , BBB Centre D’Art, Toulouse.

Ecole Offshore 1/10/2019 - 30/06/2020

Postmaster in Shanghai - Programme "Creation et Mondialisation"


DNSEP 01/10/2018 - 30/06/2019

Villa Arson, Ecole nationale supérieure d’art, Nice (France)

Diploma Accademico di Secondo Livello 01/10/2016 – 29/07/2018

Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma 

Erasmus programme

Villa Arson, Ecole nationale supérieure d’art, Nice (France)

Diploma Accademico di Primo Livello 01/10/2011 – 01/02/2015

Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino 

BAC 01/09/2006 – 01/07/2011

Liceo Scientifico A.Einstein Teramo (Italie)

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+33 (0) 7 49 32 86 24

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